Larisa Ufa

Contact us

Name: Larisa
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Height: 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm)
Weight: 165 lbs. (75kg)
Build: standard
Hair colour: hazel
Eyes colour: black
Marital status: Single
Drinker: no
Smoker: no
Kids: 0
Do you want kids: may be
Education: University
Work: ---
Occupation: Engineer
English: Poor
Religion: Orthodox Christian
Country: Russia
City: Ufa
I am serious, confident, smart, honest, romantic, compassionate, caring.

Favourite sports: volleyball,

Hobbies: reading, knitting,

Text: I'm not an angel,I'm not a demon,I'm just a women , loving a good joke, dogs and unboring people.And I don't like night clubs, snobs, spaders and snakes.

Looking for: 35 - 50 y.o. man. Just a men who knows who he is and what he wants.The inside is more important for me then the outside .He knows how to enjoy and respect life.He`s not selfish.

Larisa Ufa
Larisa Ufa